Γιάννης Γούλας

No Trainer

Αριστέα Μαγκλάρα

Στράτος Μπεζιριάνογλου

Χριστίνα Καβακοπούλου

Λία Παντελιού

Βασίλης Ανδριέλος

Γεωργία+ Μανώλης

Γιάννης+ Μανώλης



Αριστέα+ Γιάννης

Κωνσταντίνα Σγαρδέλη

Απόστολος Κουσίνας

Αριστέα+ Γεωργία

Ισίδωρος Κλείσσας

Μανώλης Δαροκάκης


Αριστέα+ Μανώλης


Αριστέα+ Απόστολος

3 Trainers



Αριστέα + Βασίλης

Ματίνα Κικιβαράκη

Hyperice/ Solarium


Γεωργία Θεοδωρακοπούλου
Martial arts and exercising has been my passion since I was young.
My journey in sports began with basketball when I was 5 years old, but the real magic started when I was 10 and I discovered Kickboxing. In my 6-year career, I have participated in more than 43 fights and earned many wins at the national level.
As an athlete, I quickly realised that I love to share my knowledge with other athletes as a trainer.
Thus, I continued my studies and earned a degree in Personal and Group Training and of course I got qualified as a Kickboxing trainer.
Training is a way of life for me as a martial art athlete and instructor, and I enjoy helping others discover their own passion, improve mentally and physically, and love themselves.